Best Hog Rider & Elite Barbarian Deck in Arena 10

May 23, 2017 admin 0

  I have been browsing YouTube for the best hog rider/elite barbarian deck and found this video from a very good Clash Royale player. His name is Cory Gamer. Here is the transcript: Introduction Hey hey Youtube, this is GamerCory, today I’m coming back playing some Clash Royale. Today I actually have a brand new deck here for you, let’s […]

The Best Royale Giant X Executioner Deck

May 13, 2017 admin 0

Introduction This deck has gotten me over 4000 trophies and is a really strong deck. This is a versatile deck with no extreme counters. This deck is very strong in many situations in the current meta. There is no specific deck that counters this deck and this deck is guaranteed to win around 80% of the time. Losing with this […]

Clash Royale Chests Cycle (Legendary, Epic & Magical)

April 24, 2017 admin 0

CLASH ROYALE CHESTS CYCLE A few months ago ago, SuperCell decided to add two new chests; epic and legendary. The legendary chest contains one legendary card and the epic chest contains 10 epic cards. These two chests do not gems, gold, common or rare cards. There is a lot of discussion and arguments as to why some people never seem […]